Today I spent some time with Jesus and my bible again. I love to do this bible journaling! It's such a great way to spend your quiet time!
I decided to work on one of my favorite verses. I have so many BIG dreams (and I mean really big!) and this verse keeps me focused on what is important, which is Jesus and the kingdom of God. He is what it's all about. (While I write this, I listen to a song of Bethel, whom sing literally: 'This is all about you')
I am still trying to work on my watercoloring skills, but until then I keep using examples. I try to create something similar to the example. Sometimes it works out fine, sometimes it doesn't! Today it looks ok, although I don't really like the big flower.. But I'm learning!
So the supplies I use are all photographed as well. I use cheap watercolor, but it works out fine! I only wish I had more colors to choose from.
I use Micron Pens. They don't bleed through, but you can see it on the other side of the page. I found out there is no way to avoid this..
While I paint or write, I keep a sheet between the page and the rest of the bible, just to be sure it doesn't bleed through.
Well, I just hope you like it, because I do!

Lots of love,