Monday, June 29, 2015

New things are coming!

Hello lovely people!

Just a quick blogpost to let all my readers know why I don't post most lately.
I have just done a similar post, but I kind of left out the most important part.. 
It's true that I don't have a lot of time, or creativity at this moment. 
But there is something more interesting than that going on.

A miracle is growing inside of me! Yes, we are expecting a baby! We are at 15 weeks now (well, tomorrow..) and we couldn't be happier. We are really looking forward to the things to come. 

The picture is a bit funny, but the head is on the left (and it's the arm showing, not a huge nose.. haha). We don't want to know what it is, so whenever I use 'his' or 'her', I am just avoiding the use of its, because that sounds a little stupid to me.. 

Anyway, with this new arrival coming, we are also working on new things! I am currently working on a pregnancy album, which is coming along pretty well. I am trying to update it a little bit, and then I'll do a blogpost about it. 

Well, that's it for now.

Lots of love,