So, as the title suggest, we found out what we are having! I'll tell you in a minute, but first I'd like to explain how the process to this ultrasound and gender reveal went.
Ever since I can remember I have been telling myself (and the husband as soon as he came into the picture) that I would never want to find out the gender if I'd ever get pregnant. So when we found out we were pregnant, that was the first thing we said to each other, because the Mister felt the same. We were pretty convinced and told everyone we were not going to find out the gender until the little one was born.
But during the fourth month I started to get curious. Friends of ours are also expecting and both of the girls (and boys obviously) know what they are having. I kind of liked that idea and it's easier to shop;) That was the first time I started to doubt our decision. I let it rest and stuck to our first decision not to find out.
Whenever I would talk to friends and family, they told me they were so curious and, more importantly, how hard it was to find gender neutral clothes. Especially clothes that they'd think I would like. Which is something I had experienced myself already, because for some reason the 'gender neutral market' is close to nothing.
When we had our ultrasound at 18 weeks I was already doubting, but the husband said he really didn't want to know, so we said no when she asked us if we wanted to know. The ultrasound went great and we didn't see a thing. (Maybe that means we are having a girl??!)
But the last 2.5 weeks were crazy! I kept thinking about what the gender would be. And everybody we asked would say; I think it's a girl. That did the trick for me. I was too curious to find out whether they were right or not?!
So, combine all these things to my unbelievable lack of patience and curiosity and you can guess what happened. The evening before our ultrasound, I told the husband I really wanted to know the gender. I had told him before, but now I was pretty determined. He asked me if I was very sure. I was. And so he said what a great husband would say: ' If it's really important for you, than it's fine with me'. He also added: 'But you have to tell everyone it was YOUR decision, not mine!' Haha.
So, when we went for our 20 week ultrasound I told her WE wanted to know. And so we did (and do)! And let me tell you this, it was so much fun to find out everyone was wrong! Haha!
We are having a little BOY! Yay!!
We told our family and friends on Sunday because everyone was at our place, since it was my birthday. Perfect timing! They all loved it and are looking forward to it! Just like us!
Luckily, everything is fine with our little baby and he is growing well. Which was great to hear, because that is what you came for after all.
So now you all know:)
Lots of love,
Monday, August 10, 2015
Wednesday, August 5, 2015
Healthy Wednesday | Sugarfree Lunch
Sunday I made a 'Poweromelet' from the latest book of Rens Kroes The book is in Dutch, but she has some of her recipes online or on Instagram.
The omelet is just an egg with some herbs and a little bit of Almond Milk. But the trick is the toppings. You have to add a handful of Spinach, an avocado, goat cheese and walnuts. And let me tell you, it's amazing! My husband was totally in love and asked me to do this every Sunday afternoon!
I didn't take a really good picture, so I used the one my husband took. Obviously the beer was not mine, and I had the omelet without the bread.

Last Monday I had another good lunch, which is a little 'easier'. I love avocado and I love to create this. It's really easy!
You just mash up an avocado with a bit of lime juice, salt and pepper. You put this on your sandwich and add slices of tomato. I like salt, so I always add some salt on top of the sandwich as well. I ate an orange on the side and had a glass of Coconut Water. Ok, not really. I had one sip of the coconut water and hated it so much, that I threw it out and had just plain water. Haha!

Maybe you can try one of these recipes as well! I really like both of them.
I find it difficult sometimes to find a nice lunch recipe, so these are definitely two of my go to recipes from now on.
Lots of love,
Monday, August 3, 2015
Mommy Monday | 20 weeks pregnant
So today is a special day (or actually tomorrow..) because we reach 20 weeks! I love to know we are half way! I can't wait to meet this little one:)
So one of the milestones of this week is, I felt him/her kick! It's so special to feel this! I can't believe there is an actual baby in my belly! I wish my hubby could feel it too, but he'll have to wait a little longer I'm afraid.
What can I tell from my first half of pregnancy?
Well, I have to say it was much easier than I thought. But I guess I am just lucky (at least this time.. who knows with number two). I haven't had any serious symptoms. Just a little dizzy every now and then, and when I start singing in church I start to feel a little funny. Maybe that's just because baby doesn't like to hear me sing;)
So far, I've gained 1 kg! I know, that's crazy! I have been trying to eat more, but I just can't. But apparently it's not a big deal, so I just think I need to be lucky I didn't gain a huge amount which I have to love afterwards..
I really hope the next 20 weeks will be good! I am looking forward to it! I can't wait to meet this little one, so every week closer is a milestone.
Lots of love,
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