Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Healthy Wednesday | Juizs 3-day detox

Hello lovelies!

It's been way too long since I last posted a blogpost! I can't believe it's been so long since I last posted something! I'm sorry! 

Anyway, I wanted to write a blogpost about my detox journey. I decided to do a 3 day juice detox from Juizs. It's a Dutch company who serves Cold Pressed juices on your doorstep! Super easy;) 

So I decided to give it a go. I received 21 juices and 3 detox waters to last me 3 days. That means 7 juices a day, which are 4 liquid salads (lots of veggies and a bit of fruit for the taste), 2 veggie soups which you can either take warm or cold and 1 nutmilk to keep your proteins in check. 

So I started on Thursday and ended on a Saturday (not the best timing, but I wanted to do it before starting work and since they deliver on Wednesday evening and I have to go back to work on a Tuesday, there weren't many other options really..) 

I'll let you know how the days went and what it did to me. A little information before:

I do this to loose the last bit of pregnancy weigth, but most of all to kickstart my new sugarfree lifestyle. During my pregnancy I didn't hold on to my sugarfree diet. I was too weak;) So it's time to get back into it and what better way to start than to cleanse the body off all toxins (and sugars!)

Day 1
You start your day with a glass of water with some lemon juice and himalayan salt (I added normal salt because I don't have Himalayan salt). At 9.00am you have your first juice and every two hours after that. 

I started to feel really hungry around 1pm, but that's probably because it's lunchtime. The only moment I really struggled was around 4pm. I was hungry but had just had one of the juices. On top of that, I was making dinner for the hubby. So that didn't help either;) 
After I had my veggiesoup at 6.30pm I was feeling nauseous, so I had half my veggiesoup at 8pm and decided to skip the nutmilk and go to bed. 

Looking back at day 1, I think it went quite allright. The only symptoms I had were a headache and the nausea. So far so good! Let's do day two! 

Day 2
I decided to postpone 'breakfast' as long as possible, so I had my first juice around 10am instead of 9. It went great until my husband decided to order a pizza.. And, weak as I am, I ate dinner. Yep, I know.. not too smart, but I just couldn't take it anymore. I was so hungry and felt 'blaaahh..' (no better word for this feeling;))
After dinner I had only water and decided the next day would be all juicy again..

I still had a headache and was just feeling weak, but the dinner really helped.

Day 3
So, the last day. Boy is this hard! I didn't think I'd struggle this much, but it turns out I really love food (didn't I know that already..)
Today was a Saturday and that is definitely not the best day to do a detox. My husband was at home all day and had a lovely lunch, and a fantastically smelling dinner;) So yes, it was extremely hard to finish, but at some point I thought; get over it, it's only half a day left!
I finished the day without eating and I have to tell you, I am so glad it's done!

Again I had headaches and felt just weak. I am so happy I can eat normal food again. After 3 days of only juices, you just really want to eat (aka chew) something..

I am never ever doing this again!
Why? Because it was ridiculously hard! I am just not made for not eating I guess.. I really try to watch what I eat and I am not a big eater, but no solid foods for 3 days is just too hard for me. So no, I won't do this again.
But, I do think it was worth it. I don't feel better, nor did I lose a lot of weight, but I know it will have done something good for my overall health. Plus, it's easier to skip the sugars, because I haven't had any sugar for 5 days (including the 2 pre-detox days)
I didn't lose any weight, and that really bothers me. I really felt like I did all the hard work for nothing, but I didn't do it just to lose weight, so I shouldn't complain. I do feel like I am having a flatter belly, but that might just be my imagination.
I hope it will help me with my sugar free journey.

Well, that was that. Glad I did it, but even happier that it's over..
No I'm off to eat cake! (just kidding..)



Friday, February 26, 2016

Mommy Monday | on a Friday..

Our little baby boy! 

So, I thought it was about time to look at my blog again.
My little man is almost 10 weeks, so it's time to show his cute little face around here! May I present to you: 


Name: Josh
Born: 22nd of Dec 2015
Weight: 3810 gr
Length: 49 cm 

He is doing great! I couldn't be more proud of him. He decided it was time to sleep through the night at only 4 weeks and to roll from his tummy to his back at 6 weeks! We are particularly happy with the sleeping;) 

I am doing really good! The birth was hard but I am so happy he is here! I wanted to give birth at home, but when I started pushing my midwife told me he was lying face up (instead of down), so we rushed to hospital (which isn't the best thing when you are in full labor and want to push..)
After arriving in hospital they hooked me up to all kinds of machines and an hour later our little man arrived. 
I was so happy! I felt all kinds of emotions at the same time. But he was here! 

And now, we are 10 weeks in and still going strong. He is such a happy, cute little baby. I am in love! 

Well, that's all I had to say for now. 
Stay tuned for a blogpost about my detox-journey this Sunday! 
