Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Healthy Wednesday | Being pregnant and having the flu.

The last two week were tough for me (and the husband). 
It was really warm in the Netherlands, at over 30 degrees Celsius for a week we had a 'heatwave'. us Dutchies are not used to warm weather so a few days over 30 C are a heatwave over here.. Anyway, normally I love it when it starts to warm up for Summerdays, but this time it was different. I had the flu at the same time as the start of the heatwave. I've been in bed for 4 days with a temperature. After that we just tried to get back on track as soon as possible, but it took me a while.

What did I do?
Well, first of all, I didn't do anything other than sleeping for two days. After the first two days I was finally able to eat something (just a little though, I think about 2-3 crackers a day).
I figured the best remedy was to sleep. I have slept a lot! I didn't want to do anything else. I started to feel better after this, and continued to sleep and rest often. It took me two weeks to get better though!

Best ways to stay healthy and fit
After these two weeks I am determined to not become ill anytime soon. So I figured I would work on the following things:

- Eat properly This is where my sugar free 'diet' comes in. I am going to try and eat as healthy as possible, which means no processed foods! I eat more vegetables, and fruit. I even decided to drink fresh orange juice a couple days a week.

- Try to workout a little more I am going to try to work out a little more. I am not talking about two hours in the gym every evening, but trying to exercise during the day. I want to ride my bike more often, go to pregnancy swimming classes and just get up from the couch a little more often..

- Take (pregnancy) vitamins I never really take pills, because I am a believer of eating the fruit  or vegetable instead of a pill. But with this pregnancy you just need a little more vitamins than you can take. So I am trying to take my pills everyday, even though I am horrible at remembering to take them. (I'd like to blame pregnancy for this, but I'm afraid that's just who I am.. )

- Listen to my body This is probably the best tip. I am going to do what my body tells me. I want to make sure my baby is as safe as possible, so I am going to bed when I feel really tired for example.

Are there any tips you could give me to stay healthy and flu-free?

Lots of love,


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